

虽然2020年可能已经过去了, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge manufacturers, forcing them to find creative solutions to new and old problems alike. 再一次, Michigan 制造业 技术 Center – West皇冠博彩 Inc .. have partnered with MiBiz to host a new webinar series in 2021 to assist small- and medium-size manufactures in navigating the ever-changing business landscape.

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虽然2020年可能已经过去了, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge manufacturers, forcing them to find creative solutions to new and old problems alike. 再一次, Michigan 制造业 技术 Center – West皇冠博彩 Inc .. have partnered with MiBiz to host a new webinar series in 2021 to assist small- and medium-size manufactures in navigating the ever-changing business landscape.

The four-part webinar series will focus on the 3P Approach to Total 制造业 Management, 建立在六西格玛框架上的哲学. Each webinar will take a deep dive into one of the P’s of the 3P approach: People, 流程(两次网络研讨会), 和产品. 网络研讨会系列的第一部分, 2021年2月出版, centered on the benefits of a people-first philosophy for manufacturers.

太频繁, manufacturers express the notion they “just need bodies,本·伍德说, a business development specialist with Michigan 制造业 技术 Center – West, 谁参加了网络研讨会. 然而, without considering employees’ likes and dislikes, their understanding of the business and importance of their position in the organization, simply throwing a body at the problem will only make the challenge worse in the long-run.

“Not only does this demonstrate a lack of caring from leadership, but it also puts companies on a quick path to destruction,伍德说.

Placing employees in roles w在这里 they are comfortable, 在他们职业生涯的早期, gives them a foothold in the organization and allows them to carry that comfort level on as they take on more responsibility in the company. It also provides a coaching opportunity on the “why” of their position, one of the essential components of the 3P system.

“Positioning people is just like buying machines,伍德说. “It doesn’t make sense to buy a stamping press to drill holes in piece of material.”

Wood advocates for a talent strategy that includes beginning with a goal and purpose for each new hire. He suggests employers instruct their new hires with a process map to teach them their internal and external customers and the results of mistakes on the company at large. Wood also noted the importance of manufacturing executives connecting with their employees, including setting aside time for open discussion on what the employees learned during their training process.

“You’re going to learn about people by asking questions,” he said. “It begins with your onboarding process… That’s going to be the foundation of this whole people part of the 3P process. You have to know your employees and their skillsets and w在这里 they want to add value. Once you understand that, t在这里’s plenty of different ways to train them.”


COVID-19 has forced many businesses to confront unique personnel situations, 是否混合在家工作, 或者在大流行期间增强灵活性. While some manufacturing executives may view adapting to these new circumstances with an employee-centered focus as the “fuzzy” aspect of the business, it is essential if a business wants to attract and retain talent, 辛迪·布朗说, vice president of talent initiatives with 皇冠博彩.

“If the thought is that people aren’t as important and your products, 流程和服务, then you’re going to constantly struggle to attract and retain the right people and get them in the right position,布朗说.

Brown points to three key human resources challenges manufactures are likely to face through 2021. 随着疫情的持续, Brown notes the importance of actively improving employee morale, 无论是长期的还是日常的. 制造业 executives will also need to find ways to bridge the gap between traditional workplaces, and the new reality of working from home if they are to recruit and retain talent.


Like many process improvements, the 3P approach demands commitment from company leadership. 然而, Wood notes that simply paying lip service to 3P will not yield success. Executives must follow through with people-centered process improvements and actively engage with their employees in open dialogue.

“If you’re going to require your employees have a clean work cell, 带着他们所有的工具, 零食和所有东西都整理得干干净净, I would highly recommend that you don’t call them into your office and it looks like a hurricane went through t在这里,伍德说. “You can talk a good game but doing and showing is going to be way more effective as a leader.”

最终, the webinar participants agreed that the success of 3P comes down to the commitment on the part of company executives to make changes in a holistic way that best benefits the organization.

“These are all tips you have probably heard before,布朗说. “But what you do and how you do it will depend on your commitment to the organization. These ideas aren’t new, but how you implement them are.”

Watch the 3P Approach to Total 制造业 Management: People webinar 在这里.