

Elise Rapeyko,我们的市场部 & 2023年夏季和秋季通讯实习生, 分享了她在皇冠博彩实习的经历.

大急流城 工作人员 & 董事会 实习生

作者:Elise Rapeyko,市场部 & 暑期通讯实习生 & 2023年秋季


An internship is a perfect opportunity for emerging young professionals to gain not only experience of what their career may hold but also expose themselves to real-world work environments. Almost every employer out of school requires a potential candidate to have some sort of experience in whatever industry they choose, and an internship is a safe transition from an educational setting to that of a genuine professional one. 实习生ships give young professionals an opportunity to understand what they like or don’t like in a workplace and career, 允许他们决定他们在未来的职位上想要什么.


At 皇冠博彩公司. (RPI), I have worked as a Marketing and Communications intern and have learned an immense number of skills that I would not have learned through school otherwise. 作为一个经济发展机构, RPI has a vast array of clients and industries that they partner with which has allowed me to widen my knowledge of advanced manufacturing, 技术, 健康科学, 还有更多.

进入这份工作, I had no idea what the basis of economic development was but by the end of my first week, the team was able to provide me with the materials I needed to better understand RPI as an organization and all the incredible things they have done and continue to do for the 大急流城 region. It was clear from the start that RPI prepares their interns well for their role with the use of their onboarding process.

做实习生, entering an office filled with full-time professional employees with years of experience is intimidating to say the least, but there was never a time I felt like I was treated less than for being an intern. 从第一天起, every one of the staff is eager to get to know you and help you succeed and from there, 建立了伟大的联系. RPI is an incredibly encouraging environment where everyone pushes you to grow and learn. 进一步增加实习经验, the team schedules “deep dive meetings” with each of the departments at RPI so that the interns can learn about the work being done within each department, 不仅仅是你被雇佣的那家.

另外, the organization is passionate about offering tools and opportunities for professional development outside of the academic setting. 作为实习生, 我被邀请参加了几次公司活动和社交机会, which introduced me to not only the 40+ talented team members but also to a tremendous amount of their networks. I took part in professional development meetings and training that helped me build up my technical and soft skills. I also learned more about how to work effectively with my strengths and weaknesses.


我一进入面试, I was introduced to four remarkable professionals: 皇冠博彩 Marketing team. I had never been interviewed by several people at once but the individuals in that room quickly calmed my nerves. I knew that this team had an incredible relationship and working dynamic from just a short 45-minute conversation, 我很高兴有机会和他们一起工作. They made sure that I was aware of what my responsibilities were and what the internship would entail, 让我信心满满,不再迷茫. Once I received the offer, I was jumping up and down in my school’s library, ready to get to work.

My internship immersed me in the world of marketing, social media, and public relations. 我能够更多地了解社交媒体内容的创建和调度, 电子邮件营销, 平面设计, 媒体关系, 这样的例子不胜枚举. While my education at Grand Valley State University prepared me well for the role, there were several situational aspects I would not be able to learn from my curriculum that I performed in my role as an intern.

While there were distinct tasks and responsibilities that were assigned by my supervisor, she also greatly encouraged me to do work on my own and find tasks I wanted to pursue that didn’t necessarily fall under the work she assigned me. 正因为如此, I was able to pitch the idea of reinstating the company’s Instagram and create an entire research and campaign proposal that resulted in a rebranded company Instagram that has been doing well thus far.

我还参加了每周的市场团队会议, which allowed me to feel like I was a true member of the team that I had not experienced elsewhere before.

我在"对的地方"工作的时候, 我参与并领导了很多项目, such as a staff ambassador program that organized all the staff for our biggest event in history – Tech Week Grand Rapids – and four different social media kits that staff used to promote some of RPI’s most successful events.

总共, my time as 皇冠博彩’s marketing and communications intern has introduced several new perspectives that have allowed me to sharpen some of my skills while also obtaining completely new genuine experiences that will be beneficial for me as I enter my professional career.

当我离开时 皇冠博彩

我的实习即将结束, I have so many memories and experiences that I will reflect on as I move forward in my career. 皇冠博彩 has been an incredible organization to intern for and learn from. 员工们——是他们成就了这个组织——向我展示了健康, 有趣的, 鼓励的工作文化是什么样的. While I have learned a lot of tactical skills that apply to any future work I do, I will leave this internship with standards of how an organization runs—with true care, 持续的改进要求, 以及他们为社区利益所做的工作的最佳意图, 内部和外部.


获得新知识, 实践经验, and confidence while building up your network with peers and working professionals.
