
How recent workplace trends can lead to new opportunities for 西密歇根 tech companies

随着年底的临近, 我认为现在是反思职场趋势的好时机, 和 how might the challenges of 2022 bring 西密歇根 new opportunities for growth in 2023?

技术 西密歇根州技术委员会 西密歇根 大急流城

写的 珍·旺格勒,技术副总裁

随着年底的临近, 我认为现在是反思职场趋势的好时机, 和 how might the challenges of 2022 bring 西密歇根 new opportunities for growth in 2023?


Many business leaders are grappling with increasing individualism in the workforce 和 a shift in attitude around work 和 money. 人们开始放弃朝九晚五的工作,成为全职自由职业者, 在某些情况下,还会有多份全职工作.

I recently had coffee with a local tech CEO who spoke about one of his remote staff holding down two full time jobs. 斯坦福大学的研究人员发现 that after employees work 50 hours or more, their output falls dramatically. 55小时后几乎直线下降. This is forcing employers to be creative in incentivizing workers to come back to the office at least on a part-time basis.

最近的另一个 《皇冠博彩》 条状态:

Two thirds of freelancers are satisfied with their career, work-life balance, 和 compensation. 在美国,40%的全职员工都有兼职. 90% plus of corporate leaders in a recent global survey said they utilize freelancers 和 say they will increase their reliance. 在当前的经济衰退时期, almost 80% of employers say they are increasing their use of freelancers as they suspend full-time hires.

I can remember pitching the idea of remote work to my boss back in the early 90’s, 作为一个没有孩子的年轻妈妈,渴望在这个世界上取得成功, 这是一个创造性的选择,让我能够养家糊口 留在里面. COVID并没有创造自由职业运动, 这证实了一些人所说的提前完成的工作和文化变革. “Freelancing 和 the Gig-economy aren't new ideas,” says Chris Koens, President of FlexTal.com. FlexTal, matches deeply vetted freelance talent with company jobs that match their desires 和 needs 和 provide flexibility to both sides of the equation.

“人们想要的工作方式正在发生根本性的转变, 迫使公司改变招聘人才的方式. 人们想要灵活性. COVID向全球人才库展示了他们可以在家工作, 减少通勤时间, 有更多的时间陪伴家人或自己,科恩斯继续说道。. “The 人才 wants to retain that flexibility 和 do more of what they love - less of what they hate. 结果是, employers are looking to hire 人才 faster with more flexibility in work hours, 位置, 和工资, including sharing the expense of quality talent with other organizations by fractionalizing portions of their employee rosters using remote 和 freelance 人才.”


2021年5月,a 美世(Mercer)的研究 found that 70% of companies said they were planning to adopt the hybrid model, 和 furthermore asynchronous communication seems to be the preferred method of communication both in the office 和 out. Asynchronous is communication that doesn’t happen in real time (Slack, Zoom, Teams, 等.) 和 offers the recipient more time to process information 和 think through a response. More importantly, in this increasing hybrid work world asynchronous communication is critical. There continues to be much debate about remote work reducing team creativity 和 innovation. 同步通信是理想的, 有些人可能会认为是必要的, 在团队中集思广益, 产品, 服务, 等.


在科技世界里, talent shortages have caused companies to consider alternative models to get the work done. 分数模型, 越来越受欢迎, 寻求短期利益, 分散的, 和 dedicated expertise that can achieve results in a fraction of the hours it may take a full-time (和 often heavily managed) generalist to produce. 例如, 而不是雇佣一个全职员工来提供营销支持, the fractional model has a fractional worker commit to a certain number of days per week or month that this worker provides targeted 服务. 对于商业而言, 他们在工资上省钱, 好处, 税, 和 worker’s comp while being able to count on a dedicated part-time team member familiar with their organization 和 its business processes providing those 服务. 分步招聘可以为你的公司节省大量的时间和金钱.

The Hollywood model utilizes experts in their respective fields for each role of a project. There has been an increase of this model in many businesses over the last few years, 特别是对于特定的项目. 自由rs 和 independent contractors who are experts in specific fields are brought on to work in certain areas of a project. Once the project is done, employment ends 和 everyone goes their separate ways. With virtual work increasing since COVID, we have seen an increase in this working model, as well. It’s easy for these teams of experts to come together virtually from all over to get a job done. While utilizing the Hollywood model might allow a company to scale more quickly, building a cohesive team 和 perfectly coordinating the availability of these workers may be a challenge. Physical distance also makes it harder for team members to find shared experiences that human beings use to help forge personal relationships 和 build trust. 詹姆斯·M. Citrin和Darleen DeRosa在最近的一篇文章中写道 斯宾塞·斯图尔特作品, “Our research shows that top-performing virtual teams report higher levels of trust than less-successful teams. 信任是团队成功的基础和前提.”


While much was learned by the trends above in 2022 和 with our 10-year tech strategy launch, 我迫不及待地想要迎接2023年的挑战和机遇. 随着潜在的经济衰退和Meta等科技巨头的裁员, 推特, 脸谱网, 亚马逊, 等. 这让我想知道——这只是硅谷的事情吗? 无论哪种方式, 西密歇根 has an opportunity to reach into this borderless talent pool 和 position itself as the next tech hub of the Midwest.

Are you growing your technology product or service in 西密歇根 和 looking for local partners? 或者你只是想扩大你的网络? Setup a one-on-one with me 和 I’d be happy to help make some connections! 欲了解更多信息,请发邮件给我 wanglerj@salamzone.com.




Vice President, 技术 | Director, 西密歇根州技术委员会

Jennifer provides retention 和 expansion assistance to Right Place clients in 肯特 County 和 site 位置 assistance to national 和 international IT 和 tech companies. She also serves as the Director for the 西密歇根州技术委员会.

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