
皇冠博彩公司. and its regional partners distribute nearly $5M in emergency grant funding

今天,皇冠博彩公司., in collaboration with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and regional partners, 宣布426家小企业获得了4美元的奖励.拨款9800万美元. These grants were awarded to eligible West Michigan small businesses who have been negatively impacted by the recent Michigan Department of Health and Human Services epidemic orders.

大急流城 爱奥尼亚县 莱克县 肯特郡 Montcalm县 Newaygo县 Oceana县 新型冠状病毒肺炎

今天,皇冠博彩公司., in collaboration with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and regional partners, 宣布426家小企业获得了4美元的奖励.拨款9800万美元. These grants were awarded to eligible West Michigan small businesses who have been negatively impacted by the recent Michigan Department of Health and Human Services epidemic orders.

Funding for the grants was provided by MEDC via the Michigan Small Business Survival Grant Program, the third of its kind for 皇冠博彩 since the start of the pandemic in early 2020. These grants are designed to provide eligible small businesses with working capital to support payroll expenses, 租金, 抵押贷款, 公用事业费用, or other similar expenses that occur in the ordinary course of business. 为了获得资格, businesses and nonprofits must have had less than 100 employees and been able to demonstrate a significant financial hardship due to the recent 新型冠状病毒肺炎 emergency “gatherings and face mask orders.”.

Nearly 85% of the funds awarded went to food service establishments, 零售, 锻炼设施, 与99年.5% of them being either fully or partially closed due to the pandemic. Awardees of the Small Business Survival Grant funds reported they will be able to retain or rehire 7,558 employees in the 11-county distribution region as a result of this program.

“有了最新一轮的拨款, 皇冠博彩 and our regional partners have been able to provide financial relief to another 426 small businesses in the region, most of whom have seen their operations significantly or totally halted due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎,蒂姆·莫罗兹说, 战略计划高级副总裁, 皇冠博彩公司. “These funds are critical to struggling business owners and are one of the ways we can support a healthy economic recovery for our community.”

对资金的需求远远超过了现有的资金, 与3,137 applicants requesting over $47M in support throughout the region.

“The Michigan Small Business Survival Program is providing significant support to small businesses helping to get them through this critical time and on the path to economic recovery,乔希·亨特说, Chief Business Development Officer and Executive Vice President at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. “我们对the Right Place的努力表示感谢, who worked swiftly and diligently to deliver these vital financial resources within their region and create a path toward economic recovery for small businesses in Michigan.”

皇冠博彩 and its regional partners were responsible for distributing funds to support qualifying small businesses within 11 of the 13 县 of West Michigan's Prosperity Region #4: Barry, 爱奥尼亚, 肯特, 湖, 梅森, Mecosta, Montcalm, 马斯基根, Newaygo, Oceana, 和奥西奥拉县. Grant funds for Ottawa and Allegan Counties were administered separately by 湖shore Advantage.

Each county assembled a local county review committee for grant applications. The size of the committees varied and were composed of both public and private economic development partners. Collaborative partners included local economic development organizations, 市, 县, 市区发展当局, 商会, 少数民族协会和商会, 当地银行和金融专业人士, 社区基金会, 和其他人.

受影响商户的申请已获接纳, 综述了, and approved based on scoring criteria determined by these local county review committees. Funds are being distributed by 皇冠博彩 directly to the applicant companies.



“The small business grant will keep our Gus Macker Basketball business operating and allow us to make it to the outdoor recreation season,斯科特·麦克尼尔说, 麦克尔篮球创始人, “We have been in a survival mode with all of our Summer basketball tournaments being cancelled in 2020 due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎. The overall assistance from 皇冠博彩 has helped us find the right grants and state funds to apply for in our situation. Gus Macker works with local charity organizations to host these 3on3 festivals. The Coronavirus shutdown mass gatherings and we needed to get creative in our business strategy. 谢谢"对的地方"一直想着我们. 有你的帮助,我们会回来的!”

“I am extremely grateful for the Small Business Survival Grant,杰里米·帕克说, 弗里蒙特Anytime Fitness的老板, “很明显, 对许多小企业来说,今年是艰难的一年. 因为有SBSG这样的资助, it helps relieve some of the pressure and hardships we as small businesses have faced and continue to face. People who have a small business put everything they have into their business. 这是一种激情,也是一种社区服务. 再次感谢SBSG项目对我们的支持.”


“The key to surviving the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 crisis is to continually pivot and look for new ways of doing business. 我们专注于加热, outdoor service because safety protocols and capacity limitations would not allow for sales high enough to cover even a fraction of raw material and labor costs,詹妮弗·博斯说, 士麦那酒馆的老板 & 卧铺表, “幸运的是, 我们的“雪村”非常受欢迎, 证明增加员工和工作时间的合理性. Through the grant funds, we can cover payroll while sales revenue steadily increases. We restocked food and alcohol supplies to offer a more robust menu, instead of buying bare minimums or running out and losing potential sales. These important funds have also helped cover our mortgage and utilities, which hopefully means our recovery can focus less on lagging debt and more on rebuilding. Our goal is to be the small restaurant that defies the pandemic trends and comes out wiser and more resilient.”