Regional Industries


MiDevice, facilitated by The Right Place, 是密歇根州唯一一家致力于医疗器械设计的机构吗, development, manufacturing and distribution. MiDevice为医疗器械公司提供了合作的机会, cooperate and promote their expertise in the industry.

About MiDevice

MiDevice, run by The Right Place, 是密歇根州唯一一家致力于医疗器械设计的机构吗, development, manufacturing and distribution. MiDevice为医疗器械公司提供了合作的机会, cooperate and promote their expertise in the industry.

mididevice公司为医疗器械产品生命周期的各个阶段提供高科技解决方案. 我们独特的核心竞争力集合为您的所有产品需求提供一站式资源, from ideation through distribution.

View Capabilities Matrix

能力矩阵显示了我们会员的专业知识深度. 我们能够满足产品开发生命周期中的任何需求.

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Member Benefits

Be part of an open, 协作环境和发现临床研究的最佳实践, medical device production, and research and development.


MiDevice委员会的成员资格为与其他医疗器械制造专业人员和教育机构建立新的合作提供了机会. 从协调物流到人才开发和培训,许多公司都在合作.

Best Practice Learning

作为一群值得信赖的医疗器械制造领导者的一部分, 参与的成员与理事会的其他成员分享最佳做法和新知识. 工厂参观和操作审查通常是分享最佳实践的一部分.

Voice of Medical Device Manufacturing in West Michigan

每次聚会都提供即时价值:在新年开始时设置年度活动日历, 但“热门”话题是由成员们在出现时产生和探索的. 这使安理会能够迅速对新的事态发展作出反应,并提供可行的见解


As a member of MiDevice, 你有能力与委员会的其他成员和他们的团队建立联系. 这种私人交流机会为在该地区发展新的关系和伙伴关系提供了机会.

Solving Common Challenges

西密歇根州医疗设备制造专业人员面临的许多问题并非个别企业所独有. 理事会提供了一个平台和时间来讨论这些共同的挑战,并作为一个公司团队来解决这些挑战. 讨论已经并将继续集中在成本改进策略上, talent development and retention, innovation, and sustainability.

Join MiDevice

  • $1,000 for established companies
  • 对于没有当前收入的初创公司300美元

To join, companies must be generating revenue in the design, engineering, 生产或分销医疗器械,并位于西密歇根州. Contact Eric Icard to apply.

Interested in Joining? Contact Eric Icard


Eric Icard

Senior Director of Business Development

Eric为Right Place客户提供保留和扩展方面的帮助. 他为国内和国际生命科学公司提供选址协助. He also serves as the facilitator for the MiDevice group.

Full Bio

MiDevice Executive Committee

  • Kelly Hiller, Lacroix Electronics MI, LLC
  • Drew Jelgerhuis, Scherdel Medtec North America
  • Jim Medsker, P.E., Keystone Solutions
  • John Woodhouse, Medbio

MiDevice Members

Able Medical Devices

Able Medical Devices

Able Medical Devices是医疗器械制造领域的领导者,专注于需要瑞士车削和5轴加工能力的器械和植入物. 我们与快速增长的oem合作,提供专注的服务和可扩展的能力,以支持增长. Decades of experience creates a scalable, value-added process, working with customers to meet user needs, 同时遵守ISO 13485认证和FDA法规要求,同时缩短交货时间和成本.

阿贝尔医疗团队在开发和制造OEM和直接面向市场的产品方面积累了数十年的知识. 这种第一手经验帮助我们真正了解客户的需求,从而推动创新. 我们提供对法规和质量要求的深入了解, manufacturing precision and clinical acumen, and vast market knowledge. 我们专业的工程团队和世界一流的制造人员为项目从概念到全面生产提供支持.

Active Manufacturing Logo

Active Manufacturing

Active Manufacturing是一家ISO和itar注册的公司,专门从事复杂的原型和短期金属冲压件, clips, assemblies, springs, and machined components. We use mechanical, hydraulic and servo presses, up to 6 axis CO2 and fiber lasers, mig, tig, laser, spot and micro spot welding, EDM, 3-5轴数控加工,并配有完整的检测部门. Design, tooling, 制造全部在内部完成,使我们能够快速准确地将您的项目从概念到完成的金属部件. 让我们报价您的下一个项目,我们将感激有机会赢得您的业务.

Airgas Healthcare Logo

Airgas Healthcare

Airgas Healthcare is a division of Air Liquide, 是气体行业的全球领导者,经营三家FDA注册的医疗填充制造工厂,并在密歇根州拥有40家零售分支机构. 我们以兰辛为基础的业务包括特殊气体混合设备,用于关键气体,如:肺扩散气体, Blood Analyzing Gases, and Calibration Gases. With our range of Medical Grade Packaged and Bulk gases, 除了我们的关键安全供应项目外,我们还为制药和医疗设备制造商以及医院提供服务, Clinics, Research and Toxicology Laboratories, Universities, Dental and Veterinary Clinics.


Applied Medical Device Institute

应用医疗器械研究所(aMDI)成立于2015年 帕德诺斯工程与计算机学院的非教学单位 (PCEC) at Grand Valley State University (GVSU). Our Mission is devoted to the 通过创新和改善人类健康和福祉 医疗设备、医疗保健解决方案和相关服务的商业化 industries.

Medical device and technology development begins with an idea. The 想法,通常以餐巾纸草图的形式,必须跨越“发展” valley-of-death’. Medical device development requires a broad range of science, engineering, and business resources. applied Medical Device Institute (aMDI) serves the medical device and technology community to 通过向研究人员提供通道, 工程师、医疗专业人员、商业和创业专业知识 在包括技术服务在内的综合过程中, intellectual property, business review and mentoring.

Array of Engineers

Array of Engineers

Array of Engineers delivers embedded software, firmware, 为政府和整个商业部门的客户提供硬件解决方案. Our test automation technologies, software verification expertise, 定制硬件设计将标准测试周期平均减少了90%以上. Our team leverages our software testing capabilities, along with our extensive background in aerospace to design, develop, and verify software across industries. 我们已经使用fpga驱动的数据采集硬件和软件来自动化数千个测试,并从传统的工程项目时间表中减少了几个月的时间. 我们团队的核心项目包括为一家大型医疗设备制造商自动化验证测试, developing and verifying embedded flight software for Airbus, and developing FPGA code for various NASA satellite programs. We are a woman-owned small business located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 并在我们的社区中推广STEM和创新.

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Autocam Medical

Autocam Medical是精密加工钻头的全球合同制造商, drivers, screws, plates, cutting tools, and other complex, highly engineered surgical implants, instruments, and handpieces, as well as other device components. 该公司是世界领先的骨科医疗设备制造商的主要供应商, Spine, Robotics, Ophthalmology, Vascular, ENT, General Surgical Equipment, and Diagnostics. 他们提供了一种增值的方法,高精度制造与专业数控铣削, turning and cutter grinding. 公司已通过ISO 13485:2016认证,是FDA注册的工厂. In addition to their facilities in Kentwood, Michigan, Autocam Medical has operations in Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Plymouth, Massachusetts; Warsaw, Indiana; Suzhou, China; and Indaiatuba, Brazil.

Dorner works full icon main flat CROPPED


每个公司都想用新的更好的产品来服务他们的客户, 但产品开发可能会带来很多风险和挫折. 我们提供创新的工程技术,将想法变为现实,从而使客户的生活变得更好,并使他们能够发展业务.

DornerWorks的工程师通过技术创新,创造出真正的产品,让生活变得更美好, enabling more effective treatment for patients, better tools for soldiers and astronauts, and a tastier experience for the backyard grillmaster.

我们的专长之一是在FDA规定的设计要求下进行安全连接的医疗设备产品开发. Our medical device development expertise helps medical device companies who want to create life-changing connected products by reducing regulatory troubles and unlocking product innovation. Please visit to learn more and schedule a free consultation.

Kent Logo

Kent Manufacturing

肯特制造是IATF 16949:2016和ISO 13485认证的3M首选转换器,可快速提供材料和资源, precision assembly. Materials are engineered for Bonding, Sealing, Fastening, Vibration Damping and Surface Protection needs. 能力包括模切,层压,分切,激光切割和组装. 我们有8级洁净室转换和一个大的白色房间装配区,以支持医疗设备和电子应用.

Keystone Solutions Group Logo

Keystone Solutions Group

Keystone Solutions Group is an ISO13485:2016 certified, MDSAP certified, FDA注册的产品开发和医疗器械合同制造公司位于密歇根州西南部. In operation for over 24 years, 我们与世界各地的医疗器械行业客户合作设计, develop, test, and manufacture a wide range of products. Keystone provides assembly, kitting, packaging, 以及一次性、一次性和可重复使用医疗产品的消毒管理服务. Our 60,000平方英尺的设施拥有多个洁净室环境,包括广泛的装配和包装能力.

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Lacroix Electronics MI, LLC

LACROIX通过位于密歇根州的工厂提供交钥匙医疗电子合同制造解决方案, Mexico and the European Union. LACROIX团队提供从电子产品开发到大规模生产的量身定制的解决方案. 我们的专家利用其先进的产品产业化技能来优化产品-工艺对,以帮助您设计安全的, ergonomic, 美观的产品旨在优化终端用户的体验. 我们在无线通信协议和短距离或远距离射频技术方面的专业知识也使我们的客户能够连接他们的产品. Coating, varnishing, 并且封装功能可用于在恶劣环境中工作的产品. 密歇根州大急流城工厂已通过ISO 13485认证和fda注册.



meddisurge是一家总部位于密歇根州的医疗设备合同制造商. Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 最先进的新设施设有7级洁净室,用于无菌成品组装, sterile barrier packaging, semi-automation, manual assembly, ultrasonic welding, leak testing technology, and bottling and filling. A part of the Alliant Healthcare Group, Medisurge is unsurpassed in quality metrics, ISO 13485 registered, 并提供了一个完全管理灭菌EO周期和伽马支持.

Motion Dynamics

Motion Dynamics Corporation

Motion Dynamics is an ISO 9001:2018 & ISO 13485:2016认证和ITAR注册的高精度全球制造商, tight tolerance custom wire components. 我们以加工超细线材的能力而闻名.0005” to 0.125”直径),生产一些世界上最小的部件. 30多年来,我们的客户一直信任我们提供专业的解决方案,供应线圈, Windings, Wire Forms, Nitinol Components, Laser Welding & Cutting, Braiding and Assemblies. Value Added services include - Heat Shrink Application, Dura-Glide Coating, Plating, Passivation, Electro-Polish, Abrading and Grinding. Our 79,000 sq. ft. 最先进的设施旨在支持我们的发展, 技术和不断满足客户需求的要求. A second 52,000 sq. ft. 设施正在增加,以支持将补充我们现有流程的新功能.

Motion Dynamics is experienced with Platinum Alloys, Gold, Beryllium Copper, Tungsten, Titanium, MP35N, 35NLT, Nickel Titanium (Nitinol), All Stainless-Steel Grades, and High Temp Alloys (Inconel, Elgiloy, etc.)我们也与方形,矩形和自定义配置文件电线工作. 我们保持广泛的库存材料,以提供最短的交货时间.

Packaging Compliance Labs Mi Device

Packaging Compliance Labs

Packaging Compliance Labs offers packaging validation, engineering solutions, 并为医疗器械和制药行业承包包装. We partner with medical device manufacturers, development firms, startups, 合同制造商要消除可能危及产品发布的包装障碍.

Perrigo Logo


Perrigo Company plc, is a global consumer self-care company. Our vision is: To make lives better by bringing "Quality, “负担得起的自我护理产品”,无论在哪里销售,消费者都信任. Founded in 1887 as a packager of home remedies, Perrigo已经转型为一家自我保健公司,使消费者能够治疗可以自我管理的疾病. Perrigo是世界上最大的非处方(OTC)自我护理产品制造商和商店品牌市场婴儿配方奶粉供应商. 该公司也是全欧洲品牌OTC产品的领先供应商.